The Badge Messenger School Safety Blog

How Technology Can Amplify Great Teaching

Written by Mike Muggli | Mar 26, 2020

In a recent article by Fast Company, Sandra Liu Huang states, “technology is not a magic wand. It is just a tool—a powerful one—that can amplify good teaching. All of us know good teachers make a huge difference in a student’s life.” Over time, technology has woven itself into our everyday lives, changing the ways we communicate, work, shop, and learn. The 21st century classroom has been revolutionized by technology.

Today, students have the ability to access recorded lectures, learning resources, ebooks, complete homework, turn in assignments, receive feedback, and check grades. All at their fingertips with the use of classroom technology. Whereas, traditional classrooms functioned with whiteboards, textbooks, and printed homework. Badge Messenger, believes technology can optimize both teaching and learning.

Engaging Students

Students get bored. Embracing edtech embraces engagement and motivation. In a recent report by Smoothwall, “96% of teachers believe technology has had a positive impact in the way children participate and learn in lessons. A further 56% of respondents in their survey said that pupils were noticeably more engaged when technology is used.”

Traditional notebooks and pencils are being replaced with iPads, ChromeBooks, and tablets, this switch has made learning more interactive and fun than ever. Allowing students to learn and practice various concepts in a playful manner.

Classrooms are filled with a variety of students, with different learning needs and capabilities. Some students are quick learners who have the capability of adapting quickly, but there are others who take a longer time to absorb and apply the information. These learners are often neglected with the traditional lecture style of teaching.

With technology in schools, digital education is introducing new learning opportunities. Teachers are now able to cater to all students' learning types with the use of interactive learning resources, online polling, visual demonstrations, video clips, and applications where students are able to apply their knowledge from the lesson at their own pace. 

Changing The Way Teachers Teach

With the use of virtual lesson plans and application software, teachers can free up time-- spending less time constructing and delivering the curriculum, and more time guiding students who need additional help. As an educator, shifting towards a tech-friendly curriculum can be difficult. Relevancy is key. Steer away from adding a piece of technology, simply because you can. Make sure it is relevant to the learning material and students' learning process. Before jumping in to adding technology to your lessons, make sure you understand the following:

  • How to use the technology from the admin and student view
  • How to teach students to use the technology
  • How the technology will optimize your curriculum
  • What gain the technology will bring to your lesson

Remember, the intention is to incorporate technology into your curriculum, but not solely relying on it. For tools on how to get started on creating engaging lessons and learning content in your classroom. Read Sara McGuires, 9 Technology Tools To Engage Students In The Classroom.

Increasing Collaboration

Collaborative skills give individuals the capacity to solve problems. Teachers are now using technology to help students develop forward-thinking, teamwork skills through online collaborative projects. With technology, shy, quiet students who aren’t comfortable speaking up are able to fully participate and contribute to the project. Technology can also link your classroom to another classroom anywhere in the world, extending students' learning beyond the classroom.

Producing Effective Results

There are many benefits to integrating technology into education institutions. However, effective results are the optimal goal. Students are more motivated and eager to learn when they have access to hands-on learning tools and interactive materials. Immediate results give students information and feedback on how well they are understanding and applying course material, and where they lack understanding.

With data analytics, teachers are able to identify where all students or an individual student is struggling. This allows teachers to alter and adjust course material early on to achieve the best learning results. In the past, teachers weren’t able to identify weak areas of understanding until students were tested on the material. With technology, all students are given the opportunity to score higher with the additional learning resources and instant feedback ed tech software provides, before the final grades are posted.  

Expanding Access to Information

Schools have limited budgets for textbooks and library books. Current academic resources are crucial for students to compile research for projects or research papers. Most students today can say they’ve never opened a tangible, printed, encyclopedia, but have accessed them numerous times online. If the school has a computer lab, students can gather information through the internet or an online database.

Technology has changed the way research is performed, shifting schools to provide more online academic resources. These online resources and ebooks can be more budget-friendly than traditional printed textbooks and books. 

Connecting With Students' Lifestyles

Today's students have grown up in a fast-past changing technological environment. They are always connected to technology in some way, so it only makes sense to have technology present in the classroom. The internet, laptops, and tablets are familiar devices to children. Teaching students how to use these tech devices to learn, research, collaborate, and solve problems at an early age will benefit them for the future. Eliminating the potential fear and rejection of new technology forthcoming.  

Badge Messenger Is Here to Help   

Traditional, non-tech schools and classrooms are a thing of the past. Technology is revolutionizing schools and classrooms, changing the traditional ways of teaching and learning. Badge Messenger is here to bring your school up-to-date in communication technology. Communication barriers are being dismantled in today’s digital world, so why should your school have barriers?

Give your teachers the support they need to achieve the best possible student-centered learning environment with Badge Messenger. With just one-click of a button teachers can alert, respond, and evaluate routine requests and emergency situations. At Badge Messenger, we strive to keep students safe and supported in this ever-changing world of modern technology.